Edward Curtis Native Americans Masterpieces

CHF 96.00

Introducing a groundbreaking collection that immortalizes a lost culture through the lens of art and fashion. For the first time ever, the captivating photographs of Edward Curtis who documented in the early years of the 20th century the vanishing world of Native Americans, are transformed into unique pieces of wearable art. This is more than a fashion statement; it’s a tribute to a people and their heritage, captured for eternity on a canvas you can wear. Experience the unprecedented, wear the unwearable.


We take immense pleasure in presenting our meticulously curated apparel collection, meticulously designed with a touch of artistic brilliance. Each exquisite piece is adorned with a unique image, meticulously crafted in our studio using only the finest 100% cotton fabric, guaranteeing not just unparalleled style but also unparalleled comfort.

At the heart of our collection lies the cutting-edge sublimation process, ensuring that the prints are vibrant and enduring, capturing the captivating and intricate beauty of cherished moments. Every article of clothing serves as a canvas, reflecting the very essence of the magic that unfolded during that extraordinary global event.

Embrace the opportunity to don these garments, to envelop yourself in the allure of the moment, and boldly express your profound admiration for the ideals that brought about this transformative event.

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